I’ve been meaning to publish some of the projects I’ve been toying with over the years, just in case they’re useful to anyone. Perfection-paralysis has kept me from doing this for years, so I’m going to put it all out there with minimal fuss and filtering.

Why “Dinner Bell”?

My brother gifted me a cast aluminum bell that he had somehow come across in his sea travels. It is now mounted in a prominent location in my kitchen. We ring the dinner bell when it’s, well, time to eat.

The bell itself is kinda nice to look at. And it sounds just like you’d think it would: loud, clear, chearful. When you hear it, you know something’s on offer. You may not like what’s being dished out today, but its there and its yours to take.

So the dinner bell felt like a fitting mascot for this site: an offering of my half-baked ideas and designs, shared in the spirit of collaboration and community. Ding ding!