“How much candy should we buy?”, you ask yourself every October. Buy too little and you risk an egging, or worse. Buy too much and you’ll be snacking yourself to death until Christmas.
Why guess when you can use an app? As the unelected social convenor of my street, I made this little web app so that all my neighbors could self-report their trick-or-treaters.
The whole thing was designed to be a 5-second experience for people. No logins, no save button. Just one click per trick-or-treater. Allergies can be self-reported, too, and once you add an allergy, other people can opt into it as well. Mistaken clicks can be undone with one click of the “undo” button. The app makes liberal use of Rails’ ActionCable (websockets) to responsively update the page view. Since no sensitive information is being shared, I just used browser sessions (cookies) to keep track of each person.